Making Blockchain truly Interoperable

A cross-chain messengers aggregator protocol that provides a common interface to connect to multiple messaging protocols to send cross-chain contract calls and liquidity across multiple chains

Messengers Supported

Simple Interface to Send Messages across any Messenger

For Sending Messages/Call Contract on the Destination Chain

interface ICrossSyncGateway {

    struct MessagingPayload{
        address to;
        bytes data;

    function sendMessage(
        uint256 _destinationChainId,
        uint256 _routeId,
        MessagingPayload calldata _payload,
        uint256 gasLimit,
        bytes calldata _routeData
    ) external payable;


Check Docs →

One line code to receive data on destination chain through any messenger

For Receiving Messages on the Destination Chain

interface ICrossSyncReceiverImplementer {

    function receiveMessage(
        uint256 _sourceChainId,
        address _sourceAddress,
        bytes calldata _payload
    ) external payable ;          

Check Docs →

Want your messenger to be availabe on CrossSync?

Lets integrate your messenger!

Features and Benefits of Using CrossSync Protocol

The crossSync Network Provides a lot of features that can help you go multichain in seconds!

Easy to Use

Send Messages/Call contracts across multiple chains through any messaging protocol. Simple Interface and a few lines of code to integrate!

Auto Routing(Coming Soon)

Auto Routing provides you with the best possible route to send a message between two chains. Also you can multihop accross messengers to reach your destination chain providing you immence benefits and availability

Almost Available on all chains

Almost available on all EVM chains to send messages as you are now not limited to a single messaging protocol

Common and Simple Fee structure

Common Relayer Fee, Pay with single token. SDK is also available to estimate fees .

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Join CrossSync Community to know more and get started with integration!